Rapid Prototyping: To Projects From Prototype To Production

product development, prototyping

A prototype is a work-in-progress sample, model, or version of a product made to test a theory or procedure. A prototype is typically used to test a new design in order to increase the accuracy of analysts and system users. It is the stage following the formalization but before the notion has been evaluated.
Using this approach–rapid prototyping, the creation of models can be accelerated to improve product design and facilitate product development.

What is Rapid Prototyping?

Rapid prototyping is a methodology used in product development to quickly create physical or digital prototypes of a product or system. It involves the iterative process of designing, building, and testing prototypes with the aim of refining and improving the final product.

Rapid prototyping plays a crucial role in accelerating innovation, reducing risks, and fostering creativity in product development processes across various industries. The primary goal of rapid prototyping is to accelerate the development cycle and reduce the time and cost associated with traditional prototyping methods. It allows designers and engineers to validate their ideas, gather feedback, and make necessary modifications early in the development process.

Rapid prototyping typically involves the use of specialized tools and technologies such as computer-aided design (CAD) software, 3D printing, and other manufacturing techniques. These tools enable the creation of prototypes with a high degree of precision and customization, regardless of whether they are physical models or digital simulations.

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Types of Rapid Prototyping

These types of rapid prototyping are not mutually exclusive and can overlap. The specific type of prototype created depends on the goals, requirements, and stage of development of the product.
Here are the different types of rapid prototyping with different purposes.

Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Prototypes and Concept Models

These prototypes are created to validate and demonstrate the feasibility of a concept or idea. They are often basic representations that focus on key features or functionalities to showcase the potential of the product.

Looks-Like Prototypes

Looks-like prototypes are designed to closely resemble the final product in terms of aesthetics, form, and overall appearance. They are used to evaluate the visual aspects, ergonomics, and user experience of the product.

Works-Like Prototypes

Works-like prototypes are functional prototypes that aim to replicate the intended functionality and behavior of the final product. They focus on demonstrating how the product works and its performance, allowing for testing and refinement of the functional aspects.

Engineering Prototypes

Engineering prototypes are developed to assess the engineering design and technical aspects of the product. They are used to validate and optimize factors such as structural integrity, material selection, and manufacturing processes.

Validation Testing and Manufacturing

Rapid prototype created for validation testing and manufacturing purposes is produced in larger volumes and closely resemble the final product in terms of design, functionality, and materials. These prototypes undergo rigorous testing and verification to ensure they meet the required standards before mass production.

How Does Rapid Prototyping Work?

Rapid prototyping typically involves a series of steps to create a rapid prototype quickly and efficiently. The exact process may vary depending on the specific tools and technologies used.

Rapid prototyping encompasses a range of manufacturing technologies, with layered additive manufacturing being the predominant method. However, there are other techniques employed in rapid prototyping, including high-speed machining, casting, molding, and extrusion.
While additive manufacturing is the commonly utilized process in rapid prototyping, there are also conventional processes that can be employed to create prototypes. These processes include:

Subtractive Manufacturing: This process involves carving a block of material to obtain the desired shape using milling, grinding, or turning. Material is removed from the initial block to achieve the final prototype.
Compressive Manufacturing: In this method, a semi-solid or liquid material is forced into the desired shape and then solidified. Examples include casting, compressive sintering, and molding, where the material takes the shape of the mold before being solidified.

These additional processes provide alternative options for rapid prototyping, offering flexibility in material selection and manufacturing techniques. Depending on the specific requirements and constraints of a project, these methods can be employed alongside or instead of additive manufacturing to create prototypes efficiently and effectively.

General overview of how rapid prototyping works:

  • Identify requirements
    Begin by understanding the requirements and objectives of the prototype. Determine its intended functionality, features, and user needs. This step helps establish clear goals for the prototyping process.
  • Design concept
    Create a conceptual design of the prototype using sketches, diagrams, or computer-aided design (CAD) software. This step allows you to visualize the product and make initial design decisions.
  • Select prototyping method
    Choose the most suitable prototyping method based on the requirements, budget, and available resources. Common methods include 3D printing, CNC machining, laser cutting, or even digital prototyping using software tools.
  • Create the prototype
    Use the chosen prototyping method to bring the design to life. If it’s a physical prototype, 3D printing is a popular choice. In this case, the CAD design is converted into a 3D model, which is then printed layer by layer using additive manufacturing techniques. For digital prototypes, software tools are used to create interactive simulations or mockups.
  • Test and evaluate
    Once the prototype is ready, conduct testing and evaluation. This step involves analyzing the prototype’s functionality, usability, and performance. Identify any issues, gather feedback from stakeholders, and make necessary improvements.
  • Iterate and refine
    Based on the test results and feedback, refine the prototype by making design modifications or adding new features. This iterative process allows for continuous improvement and ensures that the final product meets the desired objectives.
  • Repeat the cycle
    Depending on the complexity of the product and the feedback received, you may need to repeat the prototyping cycle multiple times. Each iteration brings you closer to the final product, incorporating refinements and addressing any identified shortcomings.

Rapid Prototyping Tools and Methods

Rapid prototyping employs various tools and methods to bring ideas to life quickly and efficiently. Here are some commonly used tools and methods in rapid prototyping.

  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Software
    CAD software is essential for creating digital designs and models of the product. It allows designers to create 2D or 3D representations, define dimensions and specifications, and make design modifications easily.
  • 3D Printers
    3D printers are widely used in rapid prototyping. They can transform digital designs into physical objects by building them layer by layer. Additive manufacturing technologies, such as fused deposition modeling (FDM) or stereolithography (SLA), are commonly employed by 3D printers for creating prototypes.
  • CNC Machining
    Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining involves using computer-controlled machinery to remove material from a solid block, resulting in the desired shape. CNC machining is suitable for creating prototypes from various materials, including plastic, metal, and wood.
  • Laser Cutting and Engraving
    Laser cutting and engraving machines use laser beams to precisely cut or etch materials, such as acrylic, wood, or cardboard. This method is often used to create 2D prototypes, signage, or intricate details in prototypes.
  • Rapid Tooling
    Rapid tooling techniques involve creating molds or tooling quickly and cost-effectively. These molds can be used for producing prototypes or low-volume production parts using processes like injection molding or casting.
  • Virtual Prototyping and Simulation
    Virtual prototyping tools, including software applications, enable the creation of digital simulations and models of the product. These tools allow for testing functionality, analyzing performance, and verifying design integrity before physical prototyping.
  • Mockup and Prototyping Materials
    Various materials are used for creating physical prototypes, such as thermoplastics, resins, foam, or clay. These materials can be shaped, molded, or assembled to represent the intended product.
  • Rapid Electronics Prototyping
    Rapid electronics prototyping tools, such as breadboards, soldering equipment, and development boards, are utilized for quickly building and testing electronic circuits and systems.
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
    AR and VR technologies provide immersive experiences for visualizing and interacting with virtual prototypes. They enable stakeholders to evaluate designs, test functionality, and make design decisions without physically creating the prototypes.

These tools and methods enable rapid prototyping by streamlining the design and manufacturing processes, reducing lead times, and allowing for quick iteration and refinement of prototypes. The choice of tools and methods depends on factors such as project requirements, complexity, available resources, and desired outcomes.

Choosing the Right Material for Rapid Prototyping

Choosing the right material for rapid prototyping depends on several factors, including the intended purpose of the prototype, desired properties, functional requirements, aesthetics, and budget. Here are some common plastics and metals used in rapid prototyping and their characteristics:


  • Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS): Known for its strength, durability, and impact resistance. It is suitable for functional prototypes and parts that require toughness.
  • Polylactic Acid (PLA): Environmentally friendly and easy to print. It is often used for concept models and visual prototypes but may not have high mechanical strength.
  • Polyamide (Nylon): Offers good strength, flexibility, and resistance to wear. It is suitable for functional prototypes subject to mechanical stress.
  • Polypropylene (PP): Known for its chemical resistance and flexibility. It is suitable for prototypes in industries such as automotive and packaging.


  • Aluminum: Lightweight, strong, and corrosion-resistant. It is suitable for prototypes requiring good strength-to-weight ratio.
  • Stainless Steel: Offers high strength, corrosion resistance, and good mechanical properties. It is suitable for functional prototypes and small-scale production.
  • Titanium: Known for its excellent strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. It is suitable for aerospace, medical, and high-performance applications.
  • Copper, Brass, and Bronze: Used for prototypes requiring good electrical conductivity or a metallic appearance.


  • Standard Resins: Offer a range of properties, including high detail resolution, smooth surface finish, and moderate mechanical strength. They are suitable for visual prototypes and some functional testing.
  • Tough Resins: Provide improved impact resistance and durability. They are suitable for functional prototypes that require strength and toughness.
  • Flexible Resins: Exhibit rubber-like properties and flexibility. They are suitable for prototypes requiring elasticity or soft-touch features.
  • Transparent Resins: Enable the creation of clear or translucent prototypes for applications such as optics or product visualization.


  • Silicone: Known for its flexibility, durability, and heat resistance. It is suitable for prototypes requiring soft and flexible features.
  • TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer): Exhibits rubber-like properties and can be easily molded. It is suitable for prototypes requiring flexibility and elasticity.


  • Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers: Combine the strength and stiffness of carbon fiber with the versatility of polymers. They are suitable for lightweight and high-performance prototypes.
  • Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers: Provide improved strength and stiffness while retaining cost-effectiveness. They are suitable for structural prototypes and parts.

3D Printing for Rapid Prototyping

3D printing is a widely used technology in rapid prototyping due to its ability to quickly transform digital designs into physical objects.
Here’s an overview of how 3D printing is utilized for rapid prototyping:

  • Design Creation
    The process begins with creating a digital design of the prototype using computer-aided design (CAD) software. The design defines the shape, dimensions, and specifications of the intended prototype.
  • File Preparation
    The digital design is then exported as a 3D model file, typically in formats like .STL or .OBJ. This file contains all the information needed for the 3D printer to build the physical prototype.
  • Material Selection
    Various materials can be used for 3D printing, including plastics, resins, metals, and even ceramics. The choice of material depends on the desired properties, functional requirements, and aesthetics of the prototype.
  • Slicing and Printing
    The 3D printer receives the 3D model file and uses slicing software to divide the design into thin layers. The printer then builds the prototype layer by layer, following the instructions provided in the sliced file. Additive manufacturing techniques, such as fused deposition modeling (FDM) or stereolithography (SLA), are commonly used for 3D printing prototypes.
  • Post-Processing
    Once the printing process is complete, the prototype may require post-processing steps. This can involve removing support structures, sanding or smoothing the surface, or applying finishes to enhance the appearance of the prototype.
  • Iteration and Refinement
    With the physical prototype in hand, designers and engineers can evaluate its functionality, test its performance, and gather feedback. Any necessary design modifications or improvements can be made based on the insights gained from the prototype.
  • Faster Iterations
    One of the key advantages of 3D printing for rapid prototyping is the ability to quickly iterate designs. Modifications can be made to the digital model, and subsequent prototypes can be printed rapidly, allowing for multiple iterations in a shorter timeframe compared to traditional manufacturing methods.

By leveraging 3D printing technology, rapid prototyping benefits from reduced lead times, cost savings, and increased design flexibility. It enables designers and engineers to validate their ideas, uncover potential issues, and refine their designs before moving on to full-scale production.

Choosing the Right Process for Rapid Prototyping

For rapid prototyping, there are various processes to choose. For rapid prototype of different purposes, applications, practicability, we need to consider which one is better to the rapid prototype projects.

Computer Numerically Controlled Machining (CNC)

CNC machining is a subtractive manufacturing process that involves using computer-controlled machines to remove material from a solid block or billet to create the desired shape. It is a versatile and precise method commonly used for prototyping and production of metal, plastic, and wood components. CNC machining offers high accuracy and can produce parts with complex geometries.

Injection Molding (IM)

Injection molding is a widely used manufacturing process for producing large quantities of identical plastic parts. It involves injecting molten plastic material into a mold cavity under high pressure. Once the plastic cools and solidifies, the mold is opened, and the part is ejected. Injection molding offers excellent repeatability, high production efficiency, and the ability to create intricate and detailed parts. It is commonly used in mass production scenarios.

Stereolithography (SLA) or Vat Photopolymerization

SLA, an affordable and rapid technique, was the pioneering commercial 3D printing method. It involves using a bath of photosensitive liquid that solidifies layer-by-layer with the help of a computer-controlled ultraviolet (UV) light.

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

SLS is utilized for prototyping both metal and plastic components. It employs a powder bed to construct prototypes by heating and sintering the powdered material layer by layer with a laser. However, SLS parts generally have lower strength compared to SLA, and the surface finish may require additional post-processing.

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) or Material Jetting

FDM, commonly found in non-industrial desktop 3D printers, is a cost-effective and user-friendly process. It utilizes a spool of thermoplastic filament melted inside a printing nozzle barrel. The resulting liquid plastic is then deposited layer by layer based on a computer deposition program. Although early results had poor resolution and weak structures, FDM is rapidly improving and offers speed and affordability, making it ideal for product development.

Selective Laser Melting (SLM) or Powder Bed Fusion

SLM, also known as powder bed fusion, is favored for producing high-strength and complex parts. It is widely used in the aerospace, automotive, defense, and medical industries. This process involves melting a fine metal powder layer by layer using a high-powered laser or electron beam to create prototypes or production parts. Common SLM materials include titanium, aluminum, stainless steel, and cobalt chrome alloys.

Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS)

DMLS is a 3D printing technique specifically designed for metal parts. It involves using a high-powered laser to selectively melt and fuse metal powder, layer by layer, to create complex and fully functional metal prototypes or production parts. DMLS is known for its ability to produce parts with high strength and intricate geometries.

Multi Jet Fusion (MJF)

MJF is a 3D printing technology that utilizes inkjet arrays to selectively apply fusing and detailing agents onto a powdered material bed. These agents are then fused together using thermal energy, layer by layer, to create the final part. MJF is known for its ability to produce parts with high accuracy, good surface finish, and high productivity.

PolyJet (PJET)

PolyJet is a 3D printing technology that uses inkjet-like printheads to deposit photopolymer materials layer by layer. The materials are then cured using UV light to solidify them. PolyJet allows for the simultaneous printing of multiple materials with different properties, enabling the creation of prototypes with varying colors, textures, and durometers.

Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) or Sheet Lamination

LOM is a cost-effective process that is less sophisticated than SLM or SLS but does not require controlled conditions. It builds up thin laminates accurately cut with laser beams or another cutting device to create the CAD pattern design. Each layer is bonded on top of the previous one until the part is completed.

Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Similar to SLA, DLP utilizes resin polymerization, but it uses a more conventional light source. While faster and cheaper than SLA, DLP often requires the use of support structures and post-build curing. An alternative version is Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP), where the part is continuously pulled from a vat without using layers, crossing a light barrier to create the desired cross-sectional pattern on the plastic.

Binder Jetting

Binder Jetting allows for printing one or multiple parts simultaneously, although the resulting parts are not as strong as those created with SLS. This technique involves depositing micro-fine droplets of a liquid binder onto a powder bed, bonding the powder particles together to form each layer of the part. Compaction and curing may be performed to finalize the part by burning off the binding agent and fusing the powder into a coherent structure.

Advantages of Rapid Prototyping

Benefits of rapid prototyping include:

  • Faster development
    Rapid prototyping allows for quick turnaround times, enabling designers to test and refine their concepts more efficiently.
  • Cost-effective
    By identifying design flaws and functional issues early on, rapid prototyping helps reduce the overall development costs associated with fixing errors in later stages.
  • Iterative improvement
    The iterative nature of rapid prototyping allows for continuous refinement and improvement of the product, leading to higher-quality end results.
  • Effective communication
    Prototypes serve as tangible representations of ideas, making it easier to communicate and collaborate with stakeholders, clients, and team members.
  • User feedback
    Rapid prototyping enables designers to gather user feedback early in the process, facilitating user-centered design and ensuring that the final product meets user needs and expectations.

Applications of Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping finds applications in various industries and domains. Here are some common applications of rapid prototyping:

  • Product development
    Rapid prototyping is extensively used in product development to create quick physical or digital prototypes of new products. It helps designers and engineers test and validate design concepts, evaluate functionality, and gather feedback from users before moving into full-scale production.
  • Industrial design
    Industrial designers use rapid prototyping to transform their ideas into tangible prototypes. It allows them to visualize and assess the aesthetics, ergonomics, and functionality of their designs, making it easier to iterate and refine the final product.
  • Engineering and manufacturing
    Rapid prototyping is utilized in engineering and manufacturing processes to create functional prototypes for testing and validation. It helps identify design flaws, optimize performance, and ensure manufacturability before investing in mass production.
  • Architecture and construction
    Architects and construction professionals employ rapid prototyping to create scale models of buildings and structures. These models help visualize the design, analyze spatial relationships, and communicate ideas to clients and stakeholders.
  • Medical and healthcare
    Rapid prototyping plays a significant role in medical device development, prosthetics, and customized implants. It enables the creation of patient-specific prototypes for pre-surgical planning, anatomical visualization, and testing medical devices before actual implementation.
  • Automotive and aerospace
    Rapid prototyping facilitates the design and development of automobile and aerospace components. It enables engineers to create prototypes of parts such as engine components, interior features, or aircraft components for testing and validation.
  • Consumer goods and electronics
    Rapid prototyping is used in the consumer goods industry to create prototypes of consumer products such as appliances, electronics, toys, and household items. It helps in evaluating functionality, ergonomics, and user experience.
  • Education and research
    Rapid prototyping is increasingly utilized in educational institutions and research facilities to facilitate hands-on learning and experimentation. It allows students and researchers to materialize their ideas, test hypotheses, and explore new concepts.

These are just a few examples of the many applications of rapid prototyping. The versatility and efficiency of rapid prototyping techniques make them valuable across a wide range of industries and creative disciplines.

Rapid Prototyping vs. Prototyping

Rapid prototyping and prototyping are related concepts in the product development process, but they differ in terms of their speed, purpose, and execution. Here’s an overview of both:

Prototyping is a general term that refers to the creation of a preliminary model or representation of a product or system. It is an essential step in the design and development process that allows designers and engineers to visualize, evaluate, and test their ideas before proceeding to production. Prototypes can take various forms, such as physical models, mock-ups, or digital simulations, depending on the specific needs of the project. The goal of prototyping is to validate and refine the design, gather feedback, and make necessary iterations to improve the final product.

Rapid prototyping, on the other hand, focuses on quickly producing functional prototypes in a time-efficient manner. It utilizes advanced technologies and streamlined processes to accelerate the prototyping cycle. Rapid prototyping techniques often involve additive manufacturing or 3D printing, which enable the rapid creation of physical prototypes by building them layer by layer from digital designs. The primary objective of rapid prototyping is to expedite the development timeline, facilitate faster iterations, and enable quicker validation of design concepts.

Prototyping is a broader term encompassing the creation of preliminary models or representations, whereas rapid prototyping specifically emphasizes speed and efficiency in producing functional prototypes. Rapid prototyping techniques are particularly valuable when time is a critical factor in the product development process, allowing for rapid iteration, testing, and refinement of designs.

Rapid Prototyping Services vs. In-House Rapid Prototyping

When it comes to rapid prototyping, there are two main options to consider: outsourcing the prototyping to service bureaus or setting up an in-house prototyping capability. Let’s explore the benefits and considerations of each approach.

Rapid prototyping services are recommended when you have occasional prototyping needs or require large parts or non-standard materials. These services offer on-demand prototyping and low-volume production services. Service bureaus typically have a range of technologies available, including additive and subtractive processes, as well as rapid tooling. They can also provide expertise on materials and offer value-added services like design assistance or advanced finishing.

The primary downsides of outsourcing to service providers are cost and lead time. While rapid prototyping is known for its speed compared to traditional manufacturing methods, this advantage diminishes when outsourced parts take a week or even multiple weeks to arrive. Additionally, outsourcing prototypes can often be expensive. On the other hand, the cost of 3D printers has become increasingly affordable. Depending on the number of parts and volume needed, a business can often break even within a few weeks by investing in a 3D printer and producing prototypes in-house.

By using desktop and benchtop 3D printers, rapid prototyping companies have the flexibility to pay for the exact capacity they need and can scale production by adding extra units as demand grows. Multiple 3D printers also offer the advantage of printing parts in different materials simultaneously, enhancing workflow flexibility. However, service bureaus can still be valuable for larger parts or unconventional materials that may be challenging to produce in-house.

Sungplastic: Custom Rapid Prototyping Services for You

At Sungplastic, when creating a prototyping team for our partners, we meticulously align individuals with the unique products they’ll be developing. Our emphasis lies in aligning rapid prototype goals with the prototyping process, encouraging innovative thinking and creative problem-solving. Our team possesses extensive expertise and prior experience in handling prototypes, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the task at hand.

We support full-stage custom rapid prototyping services, including various prototyping techniques, such as CNC machining, injection molding, 3D printing and so on. We provide the corresponding production machines, and configuration of related professionals are responsible for the smooth progress of the projects.

Work with Sungplastic, we will collide with intense sparks with your project.

About Sungplastic

About Sungplastic

Sungplastic is a plastic product manufacturer with rich experience in injection molding. According to the different product development requirements, we flexibly adjust the manufacturing process to achieve high quality, high efficiency and more economical.

We offer a variety of manufacturing services: Rapid Prototyping, Tool Making, Injection Molding, Product Design and Development, CNC Machining and Metal Stamping. You can choose from a variety of plastics, silicone rubber, or metal for your product. Regardless of mass production or small batch customization, Sungplastic has always been committed to providing assured, efficient and more economical one-stop processing services for your projects.

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